


。A bully is always a coward. 只有懦夫才会恃强凛弱。

。Courage is fire, bullying is smoke. 勇气是火,威吓是烟。

。Danger itself the best remedy of danger. 冒险是消除危险的最好方法。

。The devil take the hindmost. 落后者遭殃。
[注] 这句谚语的完全形式是:
Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost.人人顾自己,落后者遭殃。

。When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. 两强相遇,必有苦斗。

。Every cock crows on his own dunghill. 公鸡都在它自己的地盘上啼叫。
[注] 这句谚语的另一种形式是:
Every cock is bold on his own dunghill. 公鸡都在它自己的地盘上逞英雄。

。Faint heart never won fair lady. 懦夫难赢美人心。
[注] 这句话用来鼓励腼腆的追求者。

。None but the brave deserves the fair. 唯有英雄配美人。

。Fortune favours the bold. 勇者天佑。

。He that fears every bush must never go abirding. 害怕丛林,就别去打鸟。

。He that fears death lives not. 畏死不如不生。(或:怕死的人活者也没有乐趣。)

。If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. 如果开头失利,还须继续努力。

。Might is right. 强权即公理。
[注] 意指强者总是有理。
It has been said of the world's history hitherto that might is right. It is for us and for our time ro reverse the maxim, and to say that right makes might.

。Nothing stake, nothing draw. 不押赌注,哪能赢钱。

。Put your foot down where you mean to stand. 退却有限度,不能一味让步。

。The good seaman is known in bad weather. 狂风暴雨,方显水手的本领。

。The weakest goes to the wall. 强胜弱败。

。You're not free if you drag your chains after you. 不斩断枷锁,就没有自由。

。You never know what you can do till you try. 未试焉知力几何。
[注] 凡事得先试试,方知可行不可行。此谚语教人不要胆怯,应努力一试。

。God is always on the side of the big battalions. 天助强者。

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