


《Tomorrow’s world》教学设计

Part One: Teaching Design

第一部分 教学设计

Aims and requirements

? Read a formal proposal and summaries of three science fiction novels.

? Listen to facts and opinions and an interview about computer use.


? Discuss your views on technology and interview a classmate about his or her computer use.

? Write a proposal for a computer room and a short science fiction story.Procedures● Welcome to the Unit

Step 1: Brainstorming1.1) As is known, most people love reading science fiction stories. These stories allow people to use their imagination and think about what life will be like in the future. What do you like most about science fiction stories? In order for all of us to have a good understanding of the text, try to design and make a poster for one of the science fiction stories you were asked to brought to class. How did you feel when you were reading the story? Draw several pictures which highlight the main characters and scenes in the story. You may also choose one scene in the story that you liked the most and draw one picture of this scene.2.2) Please tell your science fiction story in groups of four. Then I'll ask a few students to tell your stories in front of the class.

3. Now I'd like to ask you some questions which will help you to find out the main characteristics of science fiction stories.

What do you like most about science fiction stories, the characters, plot or the language used?

Why do you think so many people are interested in science fiction stories?

( Because they allow people to use their imagination and think about what life will be like in the future.)4.4) Now look, here's a stick in my hand. This stick is a 'magic wand" and it can be used to make things happen in the future. Please have a discussion about the following questions and exPss your opinions freely.

What will life be like in the year 2080?

What would you like to happen by 2080?

What would you not like to see in 2080?

If you could use the magic wand to make one thing happen in the future, what would it be?

5. Read the instructions and focus on the four pictures. Discuss the pictures in pairs. (P41)Picture 1:What is the robot doing in this picture? (Serving dinner for the master.)

What else can a robot do?

Do you think robots can do everything for humans? Why or why not? (Robots can do a lot of repetitive or tedious things for human beings, for example, they can help people do housework; with the help of robots, more high-tech products can be produced, which will make people's lives more convenient; what's more, robots can help people do boring or dangerous work so that people can have time to relax.)

Do you think you will have a robot at home in the future?Picture 2:Where are the passengers going? (To the Moon or to Mars.)

Do you believe that one day traveling to the Moon or to Mars would be just like traveling to another city? Why or why not?

If you had a chance, would you like to fly to the Moon or another planet?Picture 3:What are the people in this picture doing? (Having a birthday party.)

How old is the man? (200 years old.)

What do you think a 200-year-old man would look like? Do you think the man in the picture looks that old?

Do you think people can live that long in the future? Why or why not? (With the development of genetic research, scientists can find out the secret of living longer. In the future, human beings can live much longer than we live today.)Picture4:Can you tell where these "people" are and what they are doing there? (In the office.)

Can you tell who these "people" are and what they are doing there? (Apparently some of the people sitting in the office are not human beings. They are aliens from outer space. The aliens and the human beings are discussing something in the office.

What problems are the aliens and the people probably talking about? (They are probably discussing peace issues in the Galaxy or trade affairs between other planets and the Earth.)

What is the relationship between them? (Workmates.)


Step 2: Sharing information

1. Form your own groups and discuss the three questions listed under the four pictures first.

2. ExPss your opinions freely and report your responses back to the whole class.

Sample answers

1. Yes. With the development of science and technology, human beings could travel wherever they want in the future. The Moon and other planets could eventually become tourist destinations. Travelling to the Moon or to another planet might be as easy as traveling to another city. You might just have to book a ticket, get packed and think about what Psent you would like to bring back to your friends on the Earth.

2. In my point of view, robots could do almost everything in the future. With the development of science and technology, they may be designed almost the same as humans. They could help people do boring and dangerous work. For example, it would be possible for robots to be lowered to the ocean floor and left to explore the ocean; robots could play an important role in exploration missions to other planets; they could also be the companions of humans and assist humans physically and psychologically, that is, they could perform more useful functions than just entertainment. All in all, robots could do much more in the future than we can imagine today.

3. New technology seems like magic, it can do a lot of amazing things that we could never imagine before, I'd like to see that a virtual world could be created with the help of technology so that people could live in both a real world and a virtual one. We could not only play games, travel or experience excitement in the virtual world, but also we could do whatever we can do in reality.4.3. More questions for you to answer:

Do you think robots will replace human beings in the future?

What things do you think robots can't do?ResourcesRobots

One high-tech industry that is growing quickly in the 21st century is robots. Nowadays scientists are doing research and trying to build humanoid robots with arms and legs that can move freely. It has been reported that modern robots can even have thoughts and facial exPssions. Robots can do a lot of work autonomously for humans. For more information about robots, you may check the following website:

●Reading Not just watching a filmResourcesVirtual reality cinema

A virtual reality cinema is one where computer graphics, sound effects, chemically produced odours and electrical sensors are used to create a complete environment, giving people the opportunity to have an enhanced interactive experience by exciting all five of their senses. Sensors that are triggered by movement are used to make the participant feel as if they are moving through this artificial environment. If you need more information, you can visit the following website:

Step 1: Leading-in

1. The reading material is a business proposal about RealCine, a virtual reality cinema which is supported by extraordinary technology. You are required to learn some information about how this product works, why it is better than ordinary cinema, and how it can be used in many other ways.

Ok, now some questions for you:

Do you like reading novels?

What kind of novel do you like best? What about science fiction novels?

Why do you like them or not?

2. Science fiction is often about the things that may be possible in the far future. It can help us develop our minds and imagination. Let's watch the extracts from the film Alien.

What kind of feelings do you have after watching it?

Maybe you can strongly feel the rapid development of science and technology after watching the film. We will sense more advanced technology in the film industry.

Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas

1. The article in this section is a business proposal which introduces a new business idea. Skim and scan the proposal and try to find answers to the three questions in Part A. Focus on the most important information needed to answer the questions. Pay attention to the structure of the passage.Answers1. A virtually reality cinema called RealCine.

2. All five of our senses.

3. My ninety-year-old grandfather.

2. Read the proposal carefully and complete Part C1. Questions in Part C1 are to check your ability of locating specific information.Answers1. The proposal is about a virtual reality cinema: RealCine.

2. The technology behind this product is virtual reality.

3. They wear special VR headsets and gloves.

4. A straw sensor delivers the special food and drink chemicals into the viewer's mouth.

5. He attended a World Cup final as the captain of the Brazilian football team and scored the winning goal. He was asked to sign his name for his fans.

6. Because VR is not real.

7. They could be trained using RealCine without the risk of being sent into a burning building.

3. Discuss the article and analyse the structure. Conclude the main idea of each part of this article.StructureMain idea

Introduction(Para1)The abstract of the proposalMain body(Paras2-7)

How RealCine works;

Why RealCine is better than ordinary cinema;

How it can be used in other ways.Conclusion(Para 8)

Conclusion of the proposal

Step 3: Detailed reading for important information

1. Do Part C2. You can refer to the chart you analyzed before.

C2 1. Paragraphs 3and 4.

2. Paragraphs 2, 5 and 6.

3. Paragraph 7.

2. Answer the following question and fill in the chart according to the proposal.

How can RealCine excite the viewers' five senses?SenseThings needed

Effect in RealCineSightSpecial VR headsets

Viewers can see a world of 3D animation all around them.SoundSpecial VR headsets

Viewers can hear the sounds clearly all around them.SmellSmall openings in the headset

Smells are given out.TouchSpecial gloves

Viewers can touch people and objects in the film.TasteA straw sensor

Special food and drink chemicals are placed into the viewer's mouth.

3. Read the following sentences and think about the characteristics of the language used in this article.

I believe you will be amazed by the RealCine experience, and will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that must be developed further.

Viewers will be surprised at how real it feels.

RealCine works by making the viewers feel that they are actually in the film.

I am sure you will agree that RealCine provides a fantastic opportunity for the film-maker industry.

What do you think of the language used in these sentences? Don't you think that the language used here is quite attractive and persuasive and clear as well?

As a decision maker, do you think you would finally be persuaded to invest or develop RealCine? Why or why not?

The purpose of a business proposal is to plan or suggest a new idea. The goal is to help the customers or the investors make their decisions. Therefore, clear and persuasive language is often used.


4. Read the Reading strategy. See if you will learn something from it. A is often the case, a successful business proposal needs to be objective and that detailed information and convincing facts or examples together with the passive voice are frequently used to achieve this purpose. Therefore, when reading a business proposal, you can focus on these features.

5. Read the article again and underline the sentences using the passive voice in the passage. Give some explanations why the passive voice is used.

6. Complete Part D, referring to the text.AnswersD 1g 2f 3d 4c 5h 6a 7b 8e

7. Part E is a reply to the proposal, which serves as a summary of the article about RealCine. Please complete it inpidually.AnswersE (1) virtual reality (2) viewers

(3) character (4) low

(5) via (6) football

(7) thrilled (8) adventures

(9) fantastic (10) risk

Step 4: Post-reading activities

1. Now I'd like you to hold a group discussion. Imagine what special effect you hope to have if you can see a popular film like "Harry Potter" in RealCine.1)Do you think watching a Harry Potter film in RealCine is more exciting and interesting than in an ordinary cinema? Why or why not?

Please make an advertisement poster for this imaginary virtual reality film. Then make an oral Psentation of your advertisements in class. You can vote and choose the best one from all the ads. State your reasons for your choice.

Write an introduction to RealCine. In the introduction, you may state your own opinions on RealCine.

Here's two opinions, what do you think of them? Let's hold a debate activity in two groups. Please State your reasons freely.

1) Those who support virtual reality believe that, with this technology, people can do almost everything, even things that cannot be realized in normal life. We don't need to travel any more or spend so much time with friends any more. Virtual reality can provide any necessary features that we need in our life.

2) Others insist that, real life and interpersonal communication should never be replaced by imaginary scenes. People should take off the headsets and experience the real life themselves.

2. Do Parts A1 and A2 on page 96 in your workbook.

3. Read the instructions for Part F and discuss with your partners the questions closely related to new technology. Share your opinions and report your answers to the class.

4. Read Part A first and then do Part B in the writing section of this unit on page 103 in your workbook.

●Word power

Word power deals with different exPssions related to computers. By learning rules of word formations, such as adding suffixes to verbs, and adjectives to form abstract nouns, you'll increase your vocabulary more easily.


1. Revise the common suffixes that are used to form adjectives learnt in Unit 1.

2. Compare the following two groups of words. You need to decide which part of speech each word is, and think about the similarities and differences between the two groups.

Group1: house, milk, driver; game

Group2: revision, Pparation, decision, difference, information,

All the words are nouns, but words in Group1 refer to physical things and those in Group2 refer to ideas, actions, and qualities. The nouns in Group2 are called abstract nouns, and we always use them to say something we cannot see or touch directly.



人教版高二英语全册优秀教案1Learning aims: 1.Grasp the usages of the past participle as the Attribute, Predictive and the object complement(过去分词充当定语、表语、宾语不足语)and use them freely2. Improve ability of making a thor...查看更多

For reference 

A concrete noun refers to objects and substances, including people and animals that exist physically. They can be either an uncountable noun or a countable noun.

eg: Clocks and watches exist physically and are Concrete Nouns. Time is a concept that has no physical existence; it is not a Concrete Noun but an Abstract Noun.